"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 1:3)
As managers and stewards of all that God has entrusted to us, we have been blessed abundantly. Though perhaps some have been blessed more than others, all of us - without exception - have been and continue to be the recipients of God's blessings.
On a daily basis, God provides for us. God gives the seed, along with rain and sunshine to cause the seed to grow. God gives health, strength and life itself. God gives wealth and the ability to acquire that which rightfully belongs to Him. And God gives grace and eternal life through the Lord Jesus Christ to all who look to Him in believing faith.
Did you ever stop to consider why God blesses us so abundantly? He does so for one simple yet profound reason: Because He loves us. In face the prophet Jeremiah tells us that God has loved us with an "everlasting love," that is, His love knows no beginning and no end. It is God's love for us that causes Him to provide for all that we have. And Christ demonstrated the Father's love by dying on the cross of Calvary to redeem us "while we still were sinners" (Romans 5:8).
What should be our response to God's love and provision? In spite of King David's observation that all things come from God, some might conclude that because of their lifestyle, family background or social standing, they deserve God's beneficial treatment. Others might reason that their good works entitle them to be the recipients of God's blessings. But all of our noble efforts and supposedly righteous deeds, when done in our strength, amount to no more than what the prophet Isaiah called "a filthy cloth."
Still others might conclude that God made a mistake in determining their place on the economic spectrum, so they spend their time and energy trying to help God correct that error. Whether fretting daily over financial matters, dilligently searching for a "get-rich-quick" scheme, or engaging in some activity that will allow them to win large sums of money, their dissatisfaction with God's provision causes them to get sidetracked spiritually.
The mature Christian, however, realizes that God is the Source of everything, that God owns everything, and that all that we have is in one way or another a blessing from God. The mature Christian seeks ways to use God's gifts to bless God and to be a blessing to others. And the mature Christian accepts with a spirit of contentment and thanksgiving what God has provided.
As you consider how God has blessed your life, please seek His direction concerning how you should respond. Remember, we have been "blessed by God to be a blessing." Or as one anonymous author put it so succinctly, "the greatest blessing comes to the one who freely gives and expects nothing in return."
Simply Giving is the automated giving program sponsored by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. It's designed to help YOU conveniently, consistently and joyfully give financial gifts to the ministries of St. Peter's.
By participating in the Simply Giving automated program, you can use electronic funds transfer to give your weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly offering directly to St. Peter's.
This is the perfect program for busy people who are on the go or for people who travel and to ensure that your offerings are received even when you can't be present for worship. It is particularly helpful in keeping up with your intended offerings and will keep you from having to make up the difference later.
For more information, either speak to our Financial Secretary, Diane Arnold, or call the church office and a brochure will be mailed to you.
©2012 Michael Stump