St. Peter's provides Sunday School programs for children, youth and adults. These classes are held Sunday mornings at 9:15AM beginning the first Sunday in September through the last Sunday in May. The Sunday School Superintendent is Deb Sarbaugh. CLICK HERE FOR CHRISTIAN EDUCATION-RELATED IMAGES
Children and Youth SCS:
Sunday Church School: Kindergarten through grades 6.
Confirmation Class: Grades 7 and 8.
Senior High Class: Grades 9 through College
Latest issue-
ISSUE 2 (April 2009)
ISSUE 1 (Dec 2008)
Adult SCS:
Our Adult Education Class will include a wide range of material this year; hopefully something will stimulate your curiosity. The material covered is selected by the class, you are welcome to join in and expand our 'lessons'. You can spend as little or as much time as you have available on Sundays. We gather in room 203 around 9:15am, and depart as time and conversation permit.
Bible Study/Pastor's Discussion Group:
All confirmed youth and adults are invited to join Pastor Betty the every other Wednesdays 11 AM. This is an informal group open to anyone wishing to attend.
St. Peter's Nursery School:
Age 2 meets Monday thru Friday, age 3 meets Tuesday and Thursday, and age 4 meets Monday-Wednesday-Friday, all at 9:00AM. Contact Peggy Fuller , Nursery School Director (610-432-3409), to register.
For children in grades pre-k through 5th, St Peter's offers Vacation Bible School.
This year's program:To be announced
Dates: To Be announced
Volunteers wanted! If you can help, contact Gretchen Maysek or Dick or Paula Skelly.
Contact St.Peter's: