Pastor Brian Holben joined our congregation on Sunday, March 5 and became our permanent Pastor on June 18th.
From the Pastor’s Desk
While pastoring my previous congregation, for twelve years, I wrote monthly articles for their congregational newsletter, ‘The Jerusalem Times’. The topics discussed ranged anything from a Biblical explanation about a particular topic; what was happening in Council decision-making; to what the Synod and National level of the ELCA was discussing and major membership trends. I also occasionally answered difficult ‘Milk Bottle’ questions posed to me by members and used my articles as a way of thanking volunteers for their service to the congregation. Since this is the first time, I am addressing St. Peter’s, I have decided to continue the tradition I started in 2008, by labeling my articles ‘From the Pastor’s Desk’.
In my first worship service, six weeks ago, I made a bold statement: ‘We cannot hope to evangelize, spread the Gospel, and increase membership, unless we begin to fully understand the basics of Christianity, and particularly the Lutheran understanding of issues’. I also said that, in my experience, members of our churches don’t know the Bible as well as they should. Therefore, I was going to concentrate on Biblical literacy and teaching the basics of Christianity, in my sermons and via other means. One of the methods I am utilizing, just as I did in my previous congregation, is to allow ‘Milk Bottle’ questions to be asked anonymously, and the answers given at the opening of worship services, so that we can all learn together.
After preaching for about fifteen years, I have decided to preach in a more ‘conversational’ manner, by sometimes walking up and down the aisle. I have found that I am less anxious with this type of approach; It gets me away from relying on a manuscript, while “preaching” from the pulpit. I am also able to field comments and questions coming from members, as they listen to my sermons. In this way, my delivery is more fluid with what people might be thinking. It also reassures me that people are engaged in the listening and learning process.
Don’t be afraid to talk with me; I am your pastor / ‘shepherd’.
Pastor Brian