St. Peter’s offers a number of different committees through which interested members of the congregation can participate and guide the direction of the church as a whole.
The standing committees are as follows:
Christian Education Committee: The Christian Education committee meets for the purpose of assessing and responding to the educational needs of the congregation and to support new educational opportunities. This committee also implements and evaluates the education programs of the Sunday school and Vacation Bible School and provides and schedules programs for Confirmation and First Holy Communion. The committee meets the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in room #202.
Evangelism Committee: The Evangelism Committee has the responsibility to encourage individuals to witness for Christ by sharing their faith in word and deed; to welcome new members into the congregation, to reach out in personal ministry to the inactive and un-churched. This committee also encourages spiritual growth through Bible study and devotions; welcomes everyone to the services and seeks to promote enthusiasm in the congregation through special events and worship programs of an evangelical nature.The committee meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in room #202.
Finance Committee: The Finance Committee meets for the purpose of conducting the financial business of the church. Anyone who would like to be a part of the Finance Committee is welcome to attend. We are always welcome to new ideas and new ways to approach financial matters. Please join us. The committee meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room.
Mutual Ministry Committee: The Mutual Ministry Committee oversees the professional and lay leadership needs of the congregation. As a committee we seek to … encourage continuing education for clergy and laity… strengthen effective ministry through on-going dialogue concerning the expectations of the congregation, pastor(s), and lay professional leaders … serves as a personal and confidential support group in staff/congregation relationships … keep the congregation informed about the work of the committee … and to provide and encourage each person leading the congregation in a major position of leadership the opportunity to evaluate our ministry. This will be accomplished through a written questionnaire and, in some cases, a personal exit interview.
Personnel Committee: The Personnel Committee oversees the performance of our employees, ensures all employees and volunteers are in compliance with the state laws concerning background checks and assists with hiring new personnel as required. The committee meets as needed.
Property Committee: The Property Committee’s purpose is to assume responsibility for the maintenance of the church building and used car lot, including furnishings and grounds. Also, to relate directly to sexton(s), to identify and recommend reputable firms in the purchase of services and/or equipment. The committee meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the church office.
Social Ministry Committee: The Social Committee oversees the outreach of the congregation to the community and the world. The committee serves in a variety of social services, oversees the visitation to homebound members by Eucharistic Ministers and encourages fellowship through a Coffee Hour provided between the Sunday services of worship. The committee meets the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room.
Stewardship Committee: The Stewardship Committee meets regularly for the purpose of planning a year-round emphasis on stewardship and to foster an understanding and appreciation of stewardship as a thankful response to God. The committee strives to encourage each congregational member toward a realistic estimate of giving and a commitment of time and talent. The committee meets as needed, usually on a monthly basis, on the third Monday each month in the conference room next to the church office.
Technology Committee: The Technology Committee was formed to embrace the changes that technology can bring to the way we glorify God in our ministries. To that end, the committee seeks to help other committees within the church such as Worship & Music, Youth, Evangelism, Christian Education, and even committees like Finance and Stewardship. Their responsibilities include monitoring a portable microphone system for a meeting or worship service or manning a laptop with PowerPoint for Sunday Church School gatherings. The committee meets as needed.
Worship and Music Committee: The Worship & Music Committee is responsible for the planning, scheduling and evaluating of all services of worship. This committee also works in conjunction with the Director of Music, coordinators of the Altar Guild, ushers, acolytes, nursery attendants, lectors and lay assistants. The committee is responsible for the preservation and sanctity of our worship space, to care for all the accoutrements that enrich worship, and to continually seek, through study and exchange of ideas, to make the corporate services of worship more meaningful and to educate the congregation in matters of worship. The committee meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room
Youth Ministry Committee: The Youth Ministry Committee supports and encourages the Youth Leader Team (YLT) in their relationship with the middle school, high school and college age youth of the congregation (YAC) as well as the elementary school age children known as SPY (St Peter’s Youth). They plan and execute activities that are age appropriate and at times hold activities that are inter-generational in nature. The committee meets the third Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in room #203.