Sunday Church School for ALL ages meets weekly on Sunday at 9:30AM and at 9:00AM for adults
Adult Class
Meets at 9:00AM in room 203.
Adult Class Sunday School plans include:
Our course of study is based on “The Jesus of the Bible” by Stephen M. Miller. Come continue a journey into the everyday life of Jesus and the world he knew. Through vivid writing and compelling photography, you’ll walk with him on the rolling hillside, the baked dirt Judean desert, and the rock streets of Jerusalem.
Join us in room 203 as you are able between 9:00 and 10:00 (give or take a few minutes), all adults are welcomed.
First Holy Communion Classes
Any one entering 5th grade or are 10 years older or more are this fall is eligible to attend First Holy Communion Classes. As we currently do not have a pastor, you will contacted if your child is eligible. This class must be taught by a Pastor and arrangements will be made as necessary.
Confirmation Class
If you are entering the 7th grade this fall, you are now eligible to be enrolled in the Confirmation class beginning this fall. Your decision to become a confirmed member of St Peter’s Lutheran Church is an extremely important decision in your Christian faith and life, and it is not one to be made or taken lightly. Specific details of the Confirmation program and requirements will be explained during the fist class session. Since this is an important step in your life, we request that one or both of your parents and/or guardian be present for this discussion.
Class are held in room 103 during the Sunday School hour. For more information, contact Maryanne Fullman who is temporarily teaching Confirmation in the absence of a Pastor.
Bear Creek
In February, information on Bear Creek Camp will be available. If your child is interested, please see Gretchen Maysek or Sally Davis for more information on the camp and for instructions on how to register.
The Kitchen Ministry is awarding $200 scholarships to each St Peter’s attendee.